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Business Links


Latest Government Press Release

Prime Minister confirms move to Plan B in England - GOV.UK (

Find out what Government support is available to you

Managing risks and risk assessment at work

Working safely during COVID 19 in shops and branches


Working safely during COVID 19 in restaurants, pubs, bars & takeaways


Working safely during COVID 19

COVID 19 Secure Poster (GOV.UK)

West Devon Borough Council Support​


Guidance for Businesses re: Social Distancing

Guidance on ‘Social Distancing for Non-Food Retail Stores’ can be found here:

Guidance on a’ Safe Return to Work’ can be found here:

Guidance for retailers:


Hospitality General Guidance


Tourism Industry Standard Quality Mark

Visit Britain is developing a common industry standard quality mark that will provide a ‘ring of confidence’ for tourism businesses, attractions and destinations, as well as reassurance to visitors that businesses have clear processes in place as restrictions are lifted. We are monitoring this and will advise when the process is up and running:

Pay it forward Campaign

The Govt Business Support campaign is working with Crowdfunder to build awareness about the support provided to small businesses through the Pay it Forward Campaign. Small businesses can set-up a Pay it Forward campaign to pre-sell their services and diversify trading now to ensure continuous cash flow.


Rent Collection

You will have seen the announcement of the government’s intention to legislate to prevent statutory demands, winding-up orders and commercial rent arrears recovery being pursued by commercial landlords during the current period of disruption caused by Covid-19:

National Time Out Campaign

Hospitality business leaders have given their voices to a call for a nine-month rent-free period to help the sector survive the Coronavirus pandemic.



Raise the Bar Campaign

Through SW Bids, Tavistock is supporting the national campaign calling on the Government to #raisethebar on the £25,000 grant rateable value threshold from £51,000 to £150,000 to help our retail, leisure and hospitality businesses survive through Covid-19.


Home delivery guidance for local businesses
More convenience retailers are looking at home delivery as an option to reach local customers who are self-isolating or otherwise unable to travel to their local shop. This new guidance details what retailers should consider when starting a home delivery service. Brought to you by ACS, the voice of shops.


Institute of Directors Coronavirus Support Hub

No matter how big, small, local or global your business is, whether you work from home or an office, the IoD is here to support you through the months ahead and beyond. The IoD Coronavirus Hub is designed to provide you with access to the latest Covid 19 business advice, information and resources you need.


Social Distancing Advice for retailers


Hearts of the SW LEP Guidance

The Growth Hub team is on hand to help you navigate the business support landscape and put you in touch with the right schemes to meet your business needs.


Business interruption loan scheme

The Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) provides financial support to smaller businesses (SMEs) across the UK that are losing revenue, and seeing their cashflow disrupted, as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak.



How you can keep updated:

  1. Keep in touch on social media. News shared on Tavistock BID Facebook Group

  2. Stay up to date with our news page where we'll be publishing latest information and guidance for the business community

  3. Sign up for the BID ebulletin which summarises important information for Tavistock businesses. Email:

  4. Contact the Tavistock BID team for further information and support.


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